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How to Calculate Bolt Preload

Bolt preload is the tensile force exerted on a bolt when it is tightened. It's a critical parameter in Bolted Joint design as it directly influences the joint's strength and reliability.

Factors Affecting Bolt Preload

Several factors influence the bolt preload:

Bolt material: The elastic modulus and yield strength of the bolt material significantly affect the preload.

Thread parameters: The thread diameter, pitch, and profile influence the preload.

Gasket material and thickness: The gasket material and thickness affect the friction between the bolt and the connected parts, thereby influencing the preload.

Material of connected parts: The material and hardness of the connected parts affect the contact between the bolt and the connected parts and thus influence the preload.

Tightening method: Different tightening methods (torque method, angle method, etc.) will affect the preload.

Environmental factors: Temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors can also affect the preload.

Methods for Calculating Bolt Preload

Due to the numerous influencing factors, calculating bolt preload can be complex. Common methods include:

1. Empirical Formula Method

Advantages: Simple and quick to calculate.

Disadvantages: Lower accuracy, suitable for general applications.

Example formula:

F = K * T / d


F: Preload

K: Torque coefficient (related to the friction coefficient of the thread pair, bolt material, etc.)

T: Applied torque

d: Nominal diameter of the thread

2. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Method

Advantages: High accuracy, can consider various complex factors.

Disadvantages: Requires specialized FEA software and analysis experience, and the computational cost is higher.

3. Experimental Method

Advantages: Reliable results, can be used to calibrate theoretical calculation results.

Disadvantages: High experimental cost and long cycle time.

Precautions for bolt preload calculation

Accuracy of material parameters: The mechanical properties of the bolt material and connected parts must be accurate.

Determination of friction coefficient: The friction coefficient of the thread pair and contact surface should be determined based on the actual conditions.

Selection of torque coefficient: The torque coefficient should be selected according to relevant standards and empirical data.

Influence of tightening process: Factors such as relaxation and creep during the tightening process will affect the preload.

Bolt Preload Control Methods

Torque method: Controlling the preload by applying a specific torque.

Angle method: Controlling the preload by controlling the rotation angle of the nut.

Elongation method: Controlling the preload by measuring the elongation of the bolt.

Stress method: Controlling the preload by measuring the stress in the bolt.


Calculating bolt preload is a complex engineering problem that requires consideration of multiple factors. Choosing the appropriate calculation method and combining it with practical calibration can ensure the reliability of the connection.

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